“I cannot eat but little meat,
My stomach is not good;
But sure I think that I can drink
With him that wears a hood.”
(W. Stevenson in Maltworms)
Orp-Jauche (B)
WTC and the globalization of the chip shop
Snacking and shopping
A happy meal
“Als Mahl beganns. Und ist ein Fest geworden, kaum weiß man wie.
Die hohen Flammen flackten, die Stimmen schwirrten, wirre Lieder klirrten aus Glas und Glanz,
und endlich aus den reifgewordnen Takten: entsprang der Tanz.”
(R.M. Rilke in Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke)
Grâce-Hollogne (B)
Oh my god! No more beer and chips …
"They sell good Beer at Haslemere And under Guildford Hill. At Little Cowfold, as I've been told, A beggar may drink his fill: There is a good brew in Amberley too, And by the bridge also; But the swipes they take in at Washington Inn Is the very best Beer I know, the very best Beer I know." (J.H. Belloc in West Sussex drinking song) Charleroi (B)