A meeting of the seating

“It stands, safe sheltered from sun and breeze,
That wayside seat ‘neath the drooping trees,
With a welcome true for all who pass,
From the travelling priest to the village lass.
The old wife resting from steps of pain,
Or pedlar counting his modest gain.
“Stay, stay,” it seems to say,
“Rest and peace to borrow;
Here awhile
Pause and smile,
Though you tire to-morrow!””

(E. Walton in The wayside seat)
Seraing (B)

I slept in a blue bed

“Ach, in diesen blauen Tagen,
Die so licht und sonnig fließen,
Welch ein inniges Genießen,
Welche stillverklärte Ruh’!
Heiter ist das Blut gezügelt,
Leichter Schlaf und klarer Morgen
Wissen nichts von bangen Sorgen,
Und die Seele schweift beflügelt
Jeder lieben Stelle zu.”

(E. von Geibel in Juniuslieder)
Seraing (B)

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